Vision and Mission of Freedom Hall

Bill Coibion and Sam Harris, MLK jr, Jr Hi, Principal - share the vision and the mission.
Freedom Hall is helping at-risk, fatherless young men prepare for life, become leaders in their community and inspires others to follow in their footsteps.
Freedom Hall tutors, encourages, trains and mentors these young men through a family environment of safety, acceptance and assurance that we’re not going to abandon them. Starting in 7th grade, young men, along with their mentors, will form a virtual family, which will remain intact through high school graduation and beyond. Freedom Hall intends to provide direct funding for higher education after High School. With encouragement and guidance Freedom Hall will support those young men who their desire to further their education.
God tells us to care for orphans and widows in times of stress. Freedom Hall is focused on doing just that… caring for the fatherless young men and their families.
Why do we call it FREEDOM HALL? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life for freedom. As men of God, both Mr. Harris and Mr. Coibion, sense that FREEDOM HALL is the most appropriate name for this effort to free these young men from drugs, alcohol, violence, anger, oppression, abuse, pre-marital sex and other bad influences of poverty in their lives that lead to death, destruction and limiting future choices.
Mr. Harris, Mr. Coibion and many others believe that being free from these influences will facilitate their preparation for a life of peace, joy and prosperity, which will enabled them to serve others in the same way they have been served…e.g., live out the Golden Rule…”do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

At FREEDOM HALL, young men will:
• Be accepted for who they are, not what they are, in an environment of unfailing love
• Become a member of a small group or team with other young men and mentors and participate in team competitions
• Raise their standard of moral character, learn more life skills and enhance their studying techniques
• Expand their view of their world, experience some of its opportunities and will establish new life goals
• May participate in fun, exciting events and trips such as to the ocean, Lake Tahoe, hiking, camping, rock wall climbing, and ropes courses
• Serve others trough various activities such as neighborhood beautification projects, helping team families and serving at MLK
PARENT PARTICIPATION will help parents become more involved in their sons lives and with MLK. Participation includes such things as:
• Social events for FREEDOM HALL participants and their families
• Regular progress meetings for FREEDOM participants
• Volunteer opportunities at MLK where parents can serve in ways such as: helping with MLK dinners, events and trips, assisting with school and area beautification, administrative support as well as other alternatives. Volunteers can earn Freedom Store “points” can use them to make purchases and resources for their family.
• Attend classes to improve your children’s school performance and character development